Physical Properties in SteamPlot

This page describes how physical properties are used in the SteamPlot application to manipulate thermodynamic states. This page also contains a list of physical properties supported by the SteamPlot application.

Scroll down to the list of the supported physical properties belowScroll to the list

Physical properties in the equation of state

A thermodynamic state is often described by two physical properties. When a thermodynamic state is set, then other properties can be determined for that state. In other words, when two physical properties are known for a fluid, then all other properties can be derived from them.

An equation of state (EOS) is used to determine physical properties. SteamPlot application uses the Helmholtz EOS to describe thermodynamic states of fluids. Input properties are used to initially describe a thermodynamic state. Not all properties can be used as input properties. All properties that can be determined from the EOS are considered output properties.

Setting thermodynamic states in the SteamPlot application

In the SteamPlot application there are two ways to manipulate thermodynamic states:

In the Calc module two input properties and any number of output properties can be defined. To set the property:

  • click on the property name and select the desired property from the drop-down menu or
  • click on the property name and type a new property name or any of its aliases (note that drop-down menu will filter out the properties while the new property name is being typed in). Aliases for each physical property are displayed in the list of properties, in the gray boxes.

In rare instances two physical properties do not result in a single thermodynamic state. The same pair of properties can define two or even three individual thermodynamic states. The SteamPlot application enables user to select which solution is desired.

List of supported properties